
Club members during our 2015 coastal cleanup with Florida Native Fishing Company

The Rotary Club of Dunedin Waterside is one of three Rotary chapters that meets in Dunedin, FL. Among our friends in the local community, we’re known as the “fun” club, the “young” club, and a few have called us the “drinking” club since we used to hold weekly meetings at HOB Brewing Co.  We’re still fun, we’re still young, and a few of us still drink from time to time.

Meet Our Members in Dunedin

We meet most Wednesdays at Jack Pallinos in Downtown Dunedin from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. After our weekly meetings, you can find some of our members flexing their trivia skills down the road at Dunedin House of Beer.
We’re a diverse group of professional men and women from all over the country united by a passion to pay it forward.  Our common core belief is that we put service above self and we’re committed to helping our local community as well as supporting the surrounding area and international clubs as best as we can.

Becoming a Rotarian

To join our club, we do expect you to attend most meetings, pay annual membership dues, participate in our events and activities, and—most importantly—have fun hanging out and networking with us!  To get started, all you need to do is come to Jack Pallinos on a Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM and meet our amazing local Rotarians.  You’ll be introduced to a variety of professionals and leaders from a broad range of industries and we may even be looking for someone from your industry to join us.
For specific questions or concerns about membership dues and requirements, please email us at membership@dunedinwaterside.com.

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!